Monday, July 21, 2014


This is for everyone out there. You know who you are. You try so hard to be a good person, friend, spouse, sister, brother, neighbour, colleague but you feel someone else always has you beat. So you berate and compare yourself to the perfect person around you or in your environment. Comparing is just a slippery slope to misery. Especially when it comes to what we see on social networking sites and in our daily life. I'm reminded of the quote by Lead Pastor Steven Furtick, "The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel."

 Most of us tend to hide our insecurities — the most vulnerable part of ourselves. Insecurities don't make you less of a person. Rather, it makes you a person. How many of us inwardly groan when we are around someone who seems to have it all? We like being around people who are real, relatable and not afraid to say, "I'm scared but am capable."

Knowing how to stop comparing yourself to others can feel impossible in this social media saturated world. You turn on Facebook, instagram and see the “life mile markers” of friends new and old. You hear where others are in their lives, what they are doing, achieving, believing, pursuing, creating. Plus, with the motivation from every direction to “live the life you’ve always imagined,” when you see something that someone else has which “you want,” you feel like you’re not doing enough in your life to have it. As if you were being lazy or just didn’t have “what it takes” to “have it all.”

Dear friends, always remind yourself: I have what I have, I am who I am, and I know what I know and it doesn't matter what people see now. Staying in a place of feeling good, ultimately, will allow even more of you, more information, more business ideas and fulfillment.

 Comparison can be inspiring when we see what someone else has created and witness it as an example of the abundance and prosperity that is available for all. In other words, just because they have it doesn’t mean there’s “less of it” for you.

Own your quirks, your passions, your flaws and your interests because in the end those are what make you — you. In moments of self-doubt, Try to remember this quote, "Be who you are, say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

May today be the day you start focusing on you and what is absolutely fantastic about YOU. May today appreciate life and not compare your life to others. May today be the day you ban insecurity, self pity and let in self-love!



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